Using a Content Strategy to build your Brand awareness, and tell your story your way…

Originally posted on Compass Consulting & Solutions – Paul Nottingham

Create a content strategy

Previously we have discussed the need to identify your target Audience/Demographic. Once you’ve gained a solid understanding of your audience, you’ll need to create a strategy for reaching them.

Focus on Your Story

One of the best content topics for increasing your brand awareness is your company’s story. Brand AwarenessHow did you decide to get into business and more specifically this business? What motivates you to stay in business and do battle with your competition every day? How is your story going to attract customers and keep them coming back for more?

You can promote your brand in a way that reflects where you started, how you succeeded, and what you believe, along with your company’s values. Keep these aspects at the forefront of your campaign to give a clear picture of who you are as a company.

This can help you connect with your customers on a more personal level and show them who you are, beyond just your products and services. Remember: People buy from businesses and people that they know, like and trust

Next, you’ll need to choose which types of content you want to use. There are many that can work well, including:

  • Site pages: When people want to learn about a brand, the first place they look is the “About Us” section of a website. Here, they should also find a page that explains and describes your Culture including your beliefs and work environment.
  • Blog posts: Blogs are one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site and one of the best channels for content marketing. You can share your knowledge and become a trusted voice in your industry if you post blogs regularly. It gives your company a voice in your industry, and can be a valuable tool for building your brand awareness.
  • Videos: Videos are another great type of content that will allow potential customers to see what you’re all about as a company. When you blog, be sure to speak to a topic that is important to you and your business culture. Also, interspersing some humor can be an effective way to provide an entertainment value to your page and can increase your word of mouth Web and foot traffic.
  • Webinars: Are very popular tool in use by many companies that wish to share technical expertise with a curious buying public. One caveat about Webinars is this: People like to buy-but they hate to be sold!! If your Webinar seem preachy or too self-aggrandizing it can have a deleterious effect on your message and actually turn some viewers off. One way to test the waters on what your audience wants is to offer a quick survey that asks for input from them on what topics and subject matter they are interested in. You may glean some gems from this data mining technique that you can use to capitalize on subject matter and content

Be sure to stick to a fairly regular schedule of Webinars and Blogs so that folks know when and where to tune in.

Remember that your blog can be the springboard for new offerings and Specials/Sales to create a sense of urgency in your audience

In the next issue we will continue our discussion of tools for building a successful web presence and just so you will be thinking about it beforehand…How do you use pictures to help you sell your business/product lines?